Frequently Asked Questions for Canesten
Frequently Asked Questions about Vaginal Yeast Infections (VYI)
Do I have a vaginal yeast infection?
Itchiness and cottage cheese-like white discharge are common symptoms of a yeast infection, so you might be right. Take a look at our symptoms page to see if you have any of the other common symptoms.
How do I to prevent a yeast infection?
If you get a yeast infection once, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll get it again. However, to help prevent recurrence you may need to make some simple changes to your lifestyle. For example, you should avoid using deodorants and heavily perfumed products around your intimate area and make sure to change your underwear after working out. Click here for more top tips on preventing a vaginal yeast infection.
How do I treat a vaginal yeast infection?
You can easily and effectively treat a vaginal yeast infection at home with Canesten® treatments, available without a prescription. You can also try a combination treatment to cure the internal infection and relieve the external symptoms.
Can I get a yeast infection from having sex?
A VYI is not a sexually transmitted infection; however if you are having sex with the same person (male or female) you can pass it back and forth as men can get a yeast infection too. If your male partner has a yeast infection he should see a doctor for treatment.
Will I get a vaginal yeast infection if I take a course of antibiotics?
Not necessarily. Everyone is different, so it varies from person to person; however, about one in three women who take antibiotics get a VYI. Antibiotics lower the levels of the good bacteria in your vagina which provides an opportunity for the fungus Candida albicans to increase, which can then develop into a vaginal yeast infection.
What is the preferred method of treating a vaginal yeast infection?
All of our VYI treatments are effective at treating your infection. As some people prefer different types of applications, however, we’ve developed a range of applications ranging from a pill you swallow to an internal ComforTab® to an internal cream so everyone can find a treatment they’re comfortable with. Click here to see our full range of products.
What is a yeast infection?
The common vaginal yeast infection is a type of vaginosis — an inflammation of your vagina. Both fungus and bacteria naturally live in your vagina, but when the fungus Candida albicans increases, it can cause an infection. This fungus may increase when your immune system is weak or when good bacteria (called lactobacilli) can’t keep the fungus under control. Learn more here.
Where can I buy Canesten® VYI products?
Canesten® VYI products are available wherever over-the-counter women's health products are sold.
Frequently Asked Questions about Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
What are the symptoms of BV?
Symptoms vary from woman to woman, but some common symptoms to look out for include a fishy or unpleasant odour and watery, greyish-white discharge. Click here to learn about other symptoms of BV.
How do I treat BV?
If you've been diagnosed by your doctor and you know you have BV, you can use an internal lactic acid product such as CanesBalance® to help relieve the symptoms of your infection. CanesBalance® comes in a seven-day treatment that helps regulate the pH balance of your vagina in order to treat the symptoms of your infection. Find out more about CanesBalance® Treatment available in Vaginal Gel or Soft Vaginal Tablets.
Where can I buy CanesBalance® Vaginal Gel?
CanesBalance® Vaginal Gel products are available wherever over-the-counter women's health products are sold.
Frequently Asked Questions about Cystitis
I feel a burning sensation when I urinate — is it cystitis?
A burning or stinging sensation when you urinate can be a symptom of cystitis, but there are other symptoms you should look for too, like a frequent need to urinate or feeling that you can’t fully empty your bladder. However, if you have dark, cloudy or strong-smelling urine, or if there is blood in your urine, it could be a sign of a more severe infection. Visit your doctor if you’re unsure about whether you have cystitis or not. Click here to learn about other cystitis symptoms.
How can I prevent cystitis in the future?
One of the things you can do is drink plenty of liquids, especially water. Click here for more tips on prevention.
Frequently Asked Questions about Vaginal Dryness
What is the link between menopause and vaginal dryness?
With less estrogen in your body due to menopause, you’re more likely to experience vaginal dryness. That’s because a decrease in estrogen causes your vaginal walls to become thinner and means you’ll naturally produce less lubricant in your cervix. Learn more about menopause here.
I haven’t started menopause, but I am still experiencing vaginal dryness. Is that normal?
Yes, vaginal dryness occurs in women at any age, including before menopause. This may be because of different medications you’re taking or because you’re not aroused or having enough foreplay before sex (though vaginal dryness can affect you during your day-to-day life, not just during sex). You can learn more about other causes here.
How can I prevent vaginal dryness?
Vaginal dryness doesn’t have to hinder your daily life at any age, and there are steps you can take to help prevent it. Avoid using deodorants and heavily perfumed products in and around your intimate area, and use lubricant during sex. Click here for more top tips on prevention.