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Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) may sound scary, but it's very common and easily treated. If you do get BV, remember you’re not alone. BV is the most common cause of vaginal infections in women of childbearing age.

If you are a woman between ages 15 and 44, you are in the group most at risk of bacterial vaginosis (or BV for short). It is the most common cause of vaginal infections, but fortunately the symptoms are usually easily treatable. 

BV is caused by a change in the pH balance in your vagina. When this happens, natural good bacteria (lactobacilli) in your vagina can be replaced by overgrowing "harmful” bacteria, leading to bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms

    You might have bacterial vaginosis if you experience:

    • Fishy or unpleasant odor 
    • Watery discharge 
    • Greyish white discharge 
    • Worsening of the above symptoms after sex or during your period

    The main symptoms associated with bacterial vaginosis are odour and abnormal discharge.  You should also remember that BV is not a sexually transmitted infection.

    If you are suffering from BV for the first time or if you are pregnant, make an appointment to see your doctor. BV may cause complications, especially in the course of pregnancy and childbirth, but with the help of your doctor you’ll be able to manage it properly.

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    Understanding Bacterial Vaginosis

    Many women are not aware that most vaginal infections are caused by bacteria rather than yeast, like in the case of a vaginal yeast infection.

    Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

    If you know you have bacterial vaginosis (BV), you can use an internal gel or a soft vaginal tablet to treat the symptoms of the infection. These internal gels and soft vaginal tablets, such as CanesBalance® Treatment available in Vaginal Gel or Soft Vaginal Tablet work by helping to regulate the pH balance of your vagina.

    CanesBalance® provides a triple benefit, relieving unpleasant odour and abnormal vaginal discharge, helping support healthy vaginal flora and maintaining normal vaginal pH.

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    Help prevent bacterial vaginosis

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    Avoid using strong detergent to wash your underwear. Change your underwear immediately after swimming or exercising.

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    Do not over-wash and avoid using heavily perfumed products and deodorants around your vaginal area.

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    Change your tampons or pads frequently.

    Facts about BV

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    The natural pH in your vagina is lower than 4.5, which means it is slightly acidic. A pH greater than 4.5 is considered alkaline and is suggestive of bacterial vaginosis.

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    While BV can be mistaken for a vaginal yeast infection, they are two different conditions with different treatments. When in doubt, you should consult your doctor for a diagnosis.

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    Vaginal douching is known to cause BV, as it upsets the natural balance of your vagina and can also increase the risk of STIs or other vaginal infections.

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