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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

While it may be joked about or taken lightly, premenstrual syndrome (you might know it as PMS) is an official syndrome that comprises a list of symptoms linked to your monthly menstrual cycle. The symptoms can be physical, emotional and behavioural and occur as a result of the hormonal changes in your body that happen after ovulation and before menstruation (your period). PMS is extremely common; it affects three out of four women. The symptoms of PMS usually start to appear a week or two before your period and then go away within a couple of days of when you start your period.

There are over a hundred different symptoms associated with PMS. You may experience emotional and behavioural symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, depression, sugar cravings or sleep problems. You may also experience physical signs and symptoms such as bloating, hypersensitivity, breast pain and acne. Each woman experiences PMS differently, and certain symptoms may be more pronounced during different stages in your life. For example, you may experience more PMS symptoms when you first reach puberty, or when you reach your thirties and forties.

How Can I Treat and Prevent PMS?

How Do Stress and Sleep Affect PMS?

You can be more susceptible to stress and depression when you are approaching your period due to hormonal changes in your body. Try not to take on too much and ask others for help if you’re feeling less able to cope. 

It's important to get enough sleep; however, it’s typical for the hormonal changes you experience at this time in your cycle to affect your sleep patterns. It’s best to restrict your alcohol intake as drinking interferes with normal sleep processes and can affect the quality of your sleep. Exercising regularly may also help you sleep, reduce stress and release endorphins that boost your mood.

When Should I See a Doctor About PMS?

If you haven't been able to manage your premenstrual syndrome with lifestyle changes and the symptoms of PMS are affecting your health and daily activities, seek advice from your doctor.